The team at Manor Lakes were thrilled when the tv program, Buy to Build, approached them to be involved in Season 3 of their lifestyle program. Each episode follows the journey of a couple house hunting in search of their dream house and land package.
Buy to Build offers a look a the country's latest display homes and land developments and matches the perfect combination for the couple.
Local families came together under perfect weather conditions to enjoy Australia Day celebrations hosted by Dennis Family Corporation at Manor Lakes over the Australia Day long weekend, and this year carrying a “sustainability” theme.
The event was once again hugely successful in bringing the Manor Lakes community together in celebration, drawing large crowds and providing loads of entertainment for local families.
The annual Manor Lakes Australia Day celebration is quickly approaching. With so many activities and entertainment, we've put together a timetable letting you know when everything will be happening.
Join your local community at the Manor Lakes on Australia Day on Sunday, 26th January, for what has become an annual social highlight and celebration of our colourful and vibrant land.
Summer for many means, swimming, bbqs, beach cricket and fun outside. But there are days when going outside isn’t much fun and staying cool inside is the best option. Here’s our top tips on staying cool and beating the heat.
1. Close your blinds, especially for north and west facing windows.
2. Adjust ceiling fans, make sure your fans are rotating counter clockwise and pushing the air straight down.
3. Close doors that aren’t being used to keep cool air where it’s most needed.
Summer is the perfect time to splash, swim and play around water, but it’s also a time to be vigilant especially since accidents around pools and waterways can happen quickly and often quietly. Drowning is the top cause of death for kids under 5! Here’s our top tips on water safety.
1. Always supervise kids around water, put the phone away.
2. Stay within arm’s reach of children under 5yrs.
We’re all for having fun and the Halloween spectacular last week was certainly that! The team at Manor Lakes was proud to support the spooky resident initiative and extremely grateful for all the hard work put in by Maria (Wonder woman) and Andy (Zombie from the dead). We’re thrilled to announce that nearly $5,000 has been raised and we're still counting!