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November 2019 | Events & Local Area

We need to stay cool in summer and so too do our pets.  Here’s our top tips for furry, feathery friends. 

1. Keep cool, make sure they have a cool and shaded place to rest.  In extreme heat bring them indoors.

2, Water, provide plenty of fresh water in large containers, sometimes multiple containers are a good idea.

3. Kids wading pools are great for pets too.

4. Walk your furry friend early morning or evening. Hot pavements can cause serious damage to their paws.

5. NEVER leave your pet in a car when it’s warm.

October 2019 | Events & Local Area

We’re all for having fun and the Halloween spectacular last week was certainly that!  The team at Manor Lakes was proud to support the spooky resident initiative and extremely grateful for all the hard work put in by Maria (Wonder woman) and Andy (Zombie from the dead).  We’re thrilled to announce that nearly $5,000 has been raised and we're still counting! 

November 2019 | Events & Local Area

As the weather warms up, it’s important that we all prepare our homes for the unfortunate event of a bushfire. Simple things you can do around your home include, tidy up the garden, keep your lawns low, remove any excess rubbish, clear out gutters and have a hose that can reach all around the home. Click here to make sure home is “fire ready”. The Fire Ready Kit is a detailed and comprehensive resource.

October 2019 | Events & Local Area

Whilst the warmer weather is great for being outdoors, our gardens can suffer from the heat.  Here’s our top tips for keeping your garden thriving –

1. Water your gardens early in the morning before the heat of the day kicks in

2. Fertilizing plants will give them the nutrients they require

3. Pest control, don’t let those unwanted visitors take control. 3. Mulch is a great way of keeping moisture in the soil

4. Move potted plants into the shade and,

5. Grow vegetables - pumpkins, capsicums, cucumber and carrots love the warmer weather.

October 2019 | Events & Local Area

Snakes love summer too

With the warmer months quickly approaching and spring in the air, snakes do become more active.  Anyone who encounters a snake is advised to:

October 2019 | Events & Local Area

Wondering how to entertain the family on the weekend? Here are our top 3 outings things for the whole family to enjoy in and around Manor Lakes, all within a 20-minute drive from the estate.

Shadowfax Winery

For a perfect Sunday lunch the whole family will enjoy, head to the acclaimed Shadowfax Winery, just a 20-minute drive from Manor Lakes.

October 2019 | Events & Local Area

Did you know that Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world?  We all need to be sun smart this summer and we’re not just talking slip, slop, slap!  It’s now – Slip on clothing that covers as much skin as possible. Slop on a high protection sunscreen at least 20mins before going outside. Slap on a broad brimmed hat. Seek shade.

September 2019 | Events & Local Area

Preparations are well underway for this year’s 2019 community Halloween event.  Dedicated organisers, Maria and Andrew of Dalrymple Boulevard are hard at work creating suitably scary ghoulie decorations and hope to see many other residents in the local area take the plunge and decorate their homes.

Last year, visitors donated more than $4,000 to the Starlight Children’s Foundation and this time around the team hopes to raise the stakes and collect more than $5,000 from frightened friends!

September 2019 | Events & Local Area

Thank you to everyone that attended our 2019 Manor Lakes Community Fund presentation night.  Our host for the evening, Grant Dennis mentioned that the Dennis Family Corporation take enormous pride in the communities they create and recognise the important role community groups play in connecting people and fostering a sense of belonging within their estates. The intention of the initiative is to support and give back to the neighbourhoods they create.  This year, Manor Lakes awarded a total of  $30,500 in grants to local organisations to make their projects possible.

May 2019 | Events & Local Area

Following a recent announcement by Ranfurlie Asset Management, the Stage 2 expansion of Manor Lakes Central shopping centre is underway. Once completed, Stage 2 will add 11,385m2 to the centre’s retail space, taking the facilitiy's total area to just over 20,000m2. The expansion, at a cost of more than $60 million, will include a new-look Kmart, Best & Less, a new concept Anytime Fitness, along with a large format fruit and vegetable store and approximately 20 additional specialty stores.


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