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November 2022 | Events & Local Area

Last night saw 20 happy community and not-for-profit groups from Manor Lakes, Wyndham Vale and Werribee receive grants totalling $30,000 at the 2022 Manor Lakes Community Fund presentation evening.

An annual initiative of Dennis Family Corporation, the developer of Manor Lakes estate, this year marks the twentieth year the Manor Lakes Community Fund has been running, with almost $410,000 distributed to local community since its inception in 2003.

March 2022 | Events & Local Area

Congratulations to everyone that participated in Manor Lakes Halloween Spooktacular, it was a lot of spooky fun! A huge thank you to our community that entered our competitions - house, family, pet and the Amazing Race. Your efforts have meant that we've raised over $5,000 for the Starlight Children's Foundation.

July 2022 | Events & Local Area

Council endorses name for learning centre

After widespread community consultation, Wyndham council has endorsed the name of the new community centre on Holyoake Parade.

The preferred name, Marna Family Centre, will undertake a 30 day public exhibition period before council can adopt the name.

The centre will provide the community with a three-and-four-year old kindergarten, maternal and child health services, a toy library and allied health and other family services.

July 2022 | Events & Local Area

Wyndham residents will be able to have their say on Wyndham council’s ‘Living Your Best Life In Wyndham’ framework, which aims to identify community needs and expectations.

The document will guide how Wyndham council acknowledges the challenges in a growing community, barrieres individuals may ace in accessing services and the need to work with local and other providers.

The draft was developed following a three month community engagement process which included feedback from 121 survey respondents and 500 place-based community sessions.

July 2022 | Events & Local Area

As we celebrate the 20th year of Manor Lakes, we recently caught up with Dennis Family Corporation Founder, Bert Dennis and second generation Dennis family member, Grant Dennis to discuss the history and vision of Manor Lakes.

"Our original vision for Manor Lakes was to make waterways the major natural attraction. It’s been a fantastic first 20 years for Manor Lakes, but we couldn’t have done it without the local community. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to such an incredible journey together so far." Bert Dennis

June 2022 | Events & Local Area

Communities across Victoria are encouraged to have their say in naming the new schools opening in their area in 2023, as consultation on the new names for 12 new schools the Andrews Labor Government is opening in 2023 gets underway.

Minister for Education James Merlino today opened an online survey giving local communities the chance to have their say on their preferred name for their new neighbourhood school.

June 2022 | Events & Local Area

Have you say on the new family centre along Holyoake Parade in Manor Lakes.

Locals are invited to vote on a name for the new $8.2m community facility from four proposed options that reflect aboriginal history, location and local environment.

Works began on the Manor Lakes North Integrated Family Centre (interim name) in early 2022, and it is expected to open in early 2023 to support the growing community with three and four-year-old kindergarten, maternal child health and other family support services.

May 2022 | Events & Local Area
May 2022 | Events & Local Area

Manor Lakes is blessed with an abundance of walking tracks and parks within the estate, and with tracks to suit all ages and fitness levels, you are sure it find one that fits your lifestyle and fitness needs. Here are a few to get you started ranging from a low impact stroll to a little more challenging.


Lollipop Hill Reserve

April 2022 | Events & Local Area

Thank you to everyone that came along to the Manor Lakes Easter Egg Hunt. It was a fabulous morning and great to see everyone in our community out and about and enjoying a coffee, hot cross bun, and a few chocolate eggs.



We have plenty more events planned for 2022 and we look forward to seeing you then.



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