Have your say...Living Your Best Life In Wyndham

Wyndham residents will be able to have their say on Wyndham council’s ‘Living Your Best Life In Wyndham’ framework, which aims to identify community needs and expectations.
The document will guide how Wyndham council acknowledges the challenges in a growing community, barrieres individuals may ace in accessing services and the need to work with local and other providers.
The draft was developed following a three month community engagement process which included feedback from 121 survey respondents and 500 place-based community sessions.
Mayor Peter Maynard welcomed the Framework acknowledging council and its service delivery partners needed to work together to meet challenges.
“The impact of COVID-19 continues to require us to respond with flexibility in how we respond to the needs of our community and how we work with organisations to meet those needs,” he said.
“It also highlights that we need to understand and respond to the barriers that our community face in accessing services – this approach helps us provide opportunities that give our residents scope to live their best life.”
Feedback can be submitted online and is available for completion until August 1 - https://theloop.wyndham.vic.gov.au/Best-Life-Wyndham
This article first appeared in Star Weekly https://wyndham.starweekly.com.au/news/community-feedback-opens/