Community Fund 2021

Thank you to everyone that participated in the 2021 Manor Lakes Community Fund. To date Manor Lakes, has shared approximately $380,000 to eligible groups since its establishment in 2003. During that time, the fund has assisted a broad cross-section of the Wyndham community to help make hundreds of programs and projects possible, and our Community Fund presentation nights are a wonderful way of highlighting the amazing work local groups do.
The list of successful recipients who each received a $1,500 grant included:
Manor Lakes Cricket Club |
Manor Lakes Football Club |
Werribee Concert Band |
Werribee Hospital Foundation (Werribee District Hospital Charitable Foundation) |
Wyndham Vale Primary School |
Werribee Centrals Junior cricket club |
Foodbank Manor Lakes |
The Coffee Table @Manor Lakes |
Wyndhamvale Football Club |
Manor lakes P-12 College |
Iramoo Community Centre |
Assembly of Saints/Return to Begging Inc. |
Luzviminda Victoria Inc. |
Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) |
Wyndham Tuskers Cricket Club Inc. |
Werribee Baptist Church - The Bridge |
Wyndham Vale Fire Brigade - CFA |
Laverton Youth Foundation |
Encompass Community Services |
Rodnik Incorporation |
Wyndham Christian College |
VICSES Wyndham West Unit |
Wyndham Park Community Centre |