Let us welcome you to the Manor Lakes Sales Centre

On behalf of Dennis Family Corporation, we wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate all Victorians for helping to successfully ‘flatten the curve’.
As the Victorian Government has now reduced restrictions around gatherings, we’re pleased to announce that the Manor Lakes Sales Centre has re-opened, between 10am and 5pm daily.
As always, the health and wellbeing of our staff and customers remain our number one priority, and we’d like to update you with some information about the steps we’re taking to ensure we manage this appropriately.
- We’re limiting the number of people allowed in the Land Sales Centre at any one time.
- You will be required to provide your name and contact details once you enter the sales centre. This is to facilitate contact tracing in the event there is a COVID-19 infection.
- We’ve installed hand sanitizer units at the entrance to the Land Sales Centre for visitors to use prior to entering the sales floor and upon leaving.
- We’ve installed social distancing signage on the sales centre floor.
- We’ll also be regularly wiping down all high contact areas.
We understand that some of you may still prefer to stay at home. Let us reassure you that you can still access the same great service you have come to expect from our team, so we’re continuing to answer enquiries via email, phone, SMS and video calls, and can arrange private appointments if you prefer.
Moving forward, we’ll continue to monitor the latest advice from health authorities and the Government and will review our approach if advice changes and communicate these to you.
Since building and construction have been permitted to continue as an essential service, we’ve been busy completing five new stages and we look forward to welcoming our newest purchasers into the Manor Lakes community as they prepare to settle on their land.
For nearly 60 years, the Dennis Family have been a trusted name in the property industry. Throughout these unprecedented times, we have remained committed to creating thriving and connected communities.
If you would like to contact us about your home buying journey, we're here to assist and support you.
Whatever which way you choose, please don't hesitate to stay in touch.