Winter styling tips, keeping it cosy

As the days get shorter and colder and we embrace the idea of being warm and cocooned inside, here are some essential winter decorating and organising tips for your home that might inspire.
Layer it up!
Just like laying up our clothes during winter, we can also do the same with our homes. Adding an additional layer of soft furnishings during the winter months gives a space a sense of warmth and homeliness. Using a beautiful basket to hold some additional cushions or throws when needed will remove the opportunity for clutter.
Adding extra winter layers of soft furnishings like rugs, cushions and throws also help to soften hard surfaces, reduce noise, and adds a warmer tone into the home.
Make it personal
Your home is a reflection of you - not the latest trends, so incorporate colours and patterns that make you smile and feel uplifted. A splash of colour via shatter cushions or a bright vase of flowers goes a long way into adding colour into a space on a dreary day, or moving some furniture around freshens up a space.
These small changes do not need to be expensive, so think about items you already that you could give a quick makeover to, such as painting a basket, vase or side table in a colour that you love.
Organising spaces
Winter is a great time for a thorough clean throughout the house, cleaning out pantries, linen cupboards and wardrobes are a great starting point.
Swap out your summer clothes for your winter wardrobe and at the same time do a quick sort and cull items that no longer fit, you haven’t worn for some time or no longer love. You can look at selling these, swap with a friend or give to charity. The same applies to linen cupboards, swap, sell or donate to local pet charities who are always looking for towels and sheets.
Clean out the pantry and throw out anything that is past its use by date. Another great idea is to decanter items into containers, you can see what you have more clearly and are less likely to have wasted food items.
Other great areas to focus on when you have some downtime is desk areas, bookshelves and paper clutter. Don’t forget a good dust on tops of cabinets, walls and skirtings.
It all makes scents
Using scented candles and diffusers are a wonderful way to engage our senses and assist our health and wellbeing during the winter months. Burning quality fragranced candles can uplift and energise, and using essential oils are a great way to ward off sniffles and keep rooms smelling fresh during winter when more people and pets are inside.