Christian Solevines and Jenna Oldaker have collaborated to design a mural that will be featured in the Maywood Road Reserve in Stage 197 of The Village. Christian Vines is an artist familiar to Wyndham who has completed murals on a number of large format spaces including a kiosk in Lakeside. Whilst Jenna’s work has featured in prominent places around Geelong and Ballarat. The Maywood Road Reserve is due to open early next year.
Jenna and Christian have created a visual story which translates their love for nature and country. Each mural showcase's calming landscape's set in the morning sun, this time of day sets a positive atmosphere. The mural's will help inspire the community to see the common beauty around them.
To highlight biodiversity of Wyndham City and the surrounding area's they were inspired by the local indigenous species of Grey, Yellow and River Red Gums with Kangaroo grass over Basalt rock formations. These plants and minerals are iconic to the area, the Basalt or Bluestone came from volcanic rock thousands of years ago. While the ancient and majestic River Red gum provides an important wildlife habitat.
It is their vision to inspire residents to appreciate the natural gifts on display in Wyndham.
You can see more of Jenna's work here @murrup_art