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Blog » How to set up a home office without breaking the bank.
March 2021 | Design Inspiration

How to set up a home office without breaking the bank.

With so many people working from home these days, a home office has become an essential space for many. Therefore, it should be a comfortable space that you enjoy spending time in. Whether you're working at home full-time or using the home office occasionally, be sure to include plenty of lighting, music, and most importantly a comfortable chair. Plants and greenery can also inspire and keep the energy flowing. Here’s a few helpful tips to get you started:

Define Your Work Office Space & Floor Plan

For greatest efficiency in work, find a space that can be dedicated to a home office area. It doesn’t have to be a room, consider using a large stair landing, a small closet, a spare room, or an unused corner of the living room. Spend some time measuring your space, measuring the furniture you want to incorporate, and thinking how it all works together. The final result should be a space you want to come back to daily! Do some DIY Before you move in the furniture perhaps consider painting the space, hanging some art, or repurposing items you already have around the house. This can save you not only dollars, but also give you a sense of ownership over your new home office.

Shop Around for Bargains

You'd be amazed by what you can find at garage sales, op shops and online market places. People are always getting rid of bookshelves and desks, and you will probably find just what you’re looking for without spending a fortune. Again, with a little personal DIY, you’ll be able to clean off the pieces, sand them down, and paint all of the items the same color. It will look as though you bought them to match.

Swap With Friends

Have you ever considered trading pieces of furniture with a friend. If you have a dining table that doesn't fit in your home, how about trading it for a desk that you need? Or do you have children's furniture that a neighbour can use in exchange for bookshelves?

Have fun, get creative and enjoy your new work space.