July 2020 | Design Inspiration
DIY Bird Feeders - keeping the kids entertained

How do you make a homemade bird feeder?
This is such a simple craft, but will provide lots of fun for kids! Plus after you have finished making your DIY Bird feeder it will be fun to watch all the birds come and visit on a daily basis!
All you need is a couple of left over milk cartons or similar, glue, glitter, stickers and your kids imagination. Once your carton is decorated, all you need to do is cut a hole in the sides to allow the birds to come in, purchase a bag of seed from your local supermarket or pet store and hang it in your tree or somewhere where the birds can easily access it.
Then each morning, enjoy watching the birds pop in to visit for breakfast. Try and pick a spot outside a window so that you can watch the birds whenever you pass by.