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Blog » Council endorses name for learning centre
July 2022 | Events & Local Area

Council endorses name for learning centre

Council endorses name for learning centre

After widespread community consultation, Wyndham council has endorsed the name of the new community centre on Holyoake Parade.

The preferred name, Marna Family Centre, will undertake a 30 day public exhibition period before council can adopt the name.

The centre will provide the community with a three-and-four-year old kindergarten, maternal and child health services, a toy library and allied health and other family services.

Marna is a traditional Aboriginal name proposed by the Wadawurrung Traditional owners, meaning ‘hand’, in the hope it would be symbolic.

Speaking at council’s July 26 meeting, councillor Adele Hegedich said she was happy to hear ‘Marna’ was chosen as the community favourite.

“It probably symbolises the best of what’s going to be taking place at that community centre,” she said.

“Hands are for healing, hands are for helping, hands have always been there, there always saying you need a helping hand to raise a family.

“It’s appropriate that the name going out is the Marna Family Centre.”

Residents were informed of the name search through targeted social media posts, letterbox drops and emails, and were able to vote online and during council drop ins at various locations.

Other proposed names included, Birnbial Family Centre, Holyoake Parade Family Centre and Grey Box Family Centre.

More than 200 people voted between five selections, with Marna receiving 97 votes, 75 in person and 22 online.

The family centre is expected to be operational by early 2023 and was identified in the Manor Lakes Precinct Structure plan as necessary infrastructure needed to service the growing community now and in the future.

Council will proceed with the formal naming process and submit the name to Geographic Names Victoria.


This article first appeared in the Star Weekly - https://wyndham.starweekly.com.au/news/council-endorses-name-for-learning-centre/