7 common questions about solar energy answered

If you’re unsure about certain aspects of solar power, you’re not alone. Here are some answers to the most common questions about solar energy.
1. Do panels produce power when the sun isn’t shining?
Solar panels produce power based on UV light. So, they can still produce power even during a cloudy day. You can maximise this through solar batteries which capture and store unused energy for you to use when the sun isn’t shining.
2. Can I go off-grid with solar panels?
It is possible to go entirely off-grid with a solar system. However, unless you have a large solar battery to complement your panels, it’s unlikely. A battery acts like a storage system for your energy, ensuring you have enough power to see you through a full 24-hour period and periods of low-light days.
3. Do I still get an electricity bill?
Yes, even if you’ve reduced your traditional electricity bill, you may still incur some fees. Electricity bills typically contain service to property charges, and you’ll likely still have charges for night-time usage.
4. How can I tell if I need to increase or upgrade my system?
Typically, if you are consuming most of your solar energy and don’t have enough to meet your daytime needs, it’s likely you need a bigger system.
5. Will my solar panels withstand extreme weather conditions?
Yes, solar panels are designed to operate in extreme weather conditions. However, it’s important they’re set up by a reputable installer to ensure extreme weather doesn’t adversely affect them.
6. How much maintenance do solar panels need?
Ideally you should have panels professionally cleaned annually to minimise the effects of soiling and increase panel output.
7. I’ve moved into a new home that has solar panels. What do I need to know?
Ensure the system is up to the current safety standards and get a solar service to ensure the system is operating effectively.