
Lot 20321 Ardsley Street, Manor Lakes by Mimosa Homes

$40k Land Rebate Available*

Package Inclusions:

First Impressions:
- Brick infills to the side and rear of the home (2550mm ceiling height)
- Low-profile roof tiles (Monier Atura Range only)

Refresh & Renew:
- 20mm Vitrified Compact Surface Benchtop to Bathroom (Essential Range)
- 20mm Vitrified Compact Surface Benchtop to Ensuite (Essential Range) 600mm Single - Towel Rails or Rings & Toilet Roll Holders (Design Specific)
- Recessed Tiled Shower Base with Tiled Insert Grate to Ensuite or Bathroom
- Tiled Insert Grate to Ensuite Shower Recess (In lieu of standard)
- 800mm Wide Laminate Trough to Laundry

Chefs Selection:
- 40mm Vitrified Compact Surface to Kitchen (In Lieu of 20mm, Excludes WIP)
- Pot Drawers to Kitchen (2 Banks of 3)
- Undermount Sink to Kitchen

Power Play:
- Fibre Optic Provision
- LED Down lights to Entire Home
- Additional Powerpoints Throughout Entire Home (Sx Double Powerpoints)
- Additional Downlights Throughout Entire Home (6x Down lights)
- Intercom and Doorbell System

Cool and Comfort:

- Low Profile Evaporative Cooling Unit (up to 8 points or 2 split systems)

We're also offering up to 50% off site costs, and Added Value inclusions valued at $42,688 at no extra cost! This offer is exclusive to this house and land package and valid for a limited time only.

Lot Size: 

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